Blepharitis Treatment in Huntington Beach

What is Staphylococcus (Staph)?
A bacterial infection of the eyelids may start in childhood and carry on into adulthood. Staph infection creates scales and chronic redness along the eyelid margin and could lead to eyelid ulceration, broken eyelashes and crust.
An eyelid staph infection typically causes collar scales on the eyelashes, and severe cases can lead to dilated blood vessels, sties, chalazia (lump on the eyelid’s edge) and losing eyelashes. It’s essential to treat blepharitis from staph to prevent infection and scarring on the cornea and conjunctiva.
How to Treat Blepharitis Staph Infection?
Treatment for a staph infection in the eyelids begins with improving skincare and hygiene. The lids must be thoroughly cleaned with mild baby shampoo and a cotton swab (Q-Tip).
When inflammation has eased, scrubbing the lids may be done intermittently to control symptoms. Our eye doctors may use antibiotic ointments and drops to control blepharitis. In recalcitrant cases, oral antibiotics are necessary as well.
Cortisone drops may relieve some blepharitis symptoms, and heated packs can help to dilate affected blood vessels and promote healing. Hot packs also open and clean infected pores in the skin.
Staph blepharitis can be a chronic nuisance that is challenging to eliminate.
What is Seborrhea?
The second common cause of blepharitis is seborrhea. The eyelids may accumulate waxy or greasy scales along the lid margin when the meibomian glands produce abnormal quantities of oil, which also affects the tear film. A healthy tear film consists of three layers — oil, mucous and water — that combine to protect and lubricate the eyes. Seborrhea can affect the skin in other areas such as the back, chest, scalp and behind the ears.
How to Treat Seborrhea Blepharitis?
This type of blepharitis is also treated with proper lid cleaning and scrubbing by washing, rinsing, scrubbing and using hot packs. Prescription eye drops may be used, and shampoos and medicines can treat seborrhea on other parts of the body.
Many factors contribute to blepharitis, such as hormones, general physical condition, nutrition and stress levels. Eye doctors sometimes find it challenging to separate these two forms of blepharitis because they may coexist. However, vigorous treatments and improved hygiene can manage both forms of the disease.
Other causes of blepharitis include allergies to eye products such as medications, contact lens solutions and makeup. Eyelash mites, lice, clogged or malfunctioning meibomian glands on the eyelids, rosacea and eyebrow or scalp dandruff may lead to blepharitis.
Blepharitis FAQs
What are the Symptoms of Blepharitis?
If you’re experiencing worrisome symptoms with your eyelids, schedule an eye exam to improve your comfort and avoid worsening issues. Symptoms of this blepharitis can include:
- Sore, red or itchy eyelids
- Eyelids that stick together
- Greasy or crusty eyelashes
- Burning or gritty sensation in the eyelids
- Increased photophobia (light sensitivity)
- Swollen lid margins
- Increasing discomfort wearing contact lenses
- Irregular eyelash growth or loss of eyelashes
Is Blepharitis Difficult to Treat?
Blepharitis is typically a chronic condition that is ongoing or recurring. People with blepharitis find it uncomfortable, and some symptoms can be painful, depending on the severity and location on the eyelid. However, blepharitis doesn’t typically cause permanent damage to your eyesight and is not contagious. Regular treatment is required to manage symptoms.
When Should I See an Eye Doctor?
Schedule an appointment any time your symptoms worsen or cause severe pain or other problems. Good hygiene can improve blepharitis, but serious infections can occur. Sometimes, blepharitis is caused by an underlying problem or condition that needs to be treated first to alleviate eyelid inflammation.
How Is Blepharitis Diagnosed?
Our eye doctors can diagnose this eyelid concern during a regular eye exam using a special microscope called a slit-lamp that examines your eyelids. They look for debris and crusting material on the eyelids. While blepharitis can’t be cured, lid hygiene and certain treatments such as Blephex, steroid medications, antibiotics or Restasis can effectively manage the condition.
Is Blepharitis Related to Dry Eyes?
Blepharitis and dry eye disease may go hand in hand when the inflammation is caused by clogged or blocked meibomian glands (lining the inside of the upper and lower eyelids). These glands produce the oil layer of your tear film and are necessary for good tear quality and lubrication. The lack of oil from these glands can increase tear evaporation, causing dry eyes.
How Much Does Blepharitis Treatment Cost?
Each person and blepharitis case are unique. You may need semi-annual treatments to manage the condition or more frequent visits to get the eyelid inflammation under control. Our eye doctors and office staff will discuss the cost of your blepharitis treatment during your eye exam at our Huntington Beach office.
Schedule Your Eye Exam at Clarity Eye Group
If you’re experiencing symptoms of blepharitis, schedule an eye exam with our skilled team of eye doctors today. Contact Clarity Eye Group by calling (714) 842-0651 or filling out our online contact form.
19671 Beach Blvd. Suite 400 Huntington Beach, California 92648